Sunday, July 29, 2007

Well, if you're wondering what we did this weekend, it was... nothing!
It was nice to chill out and not do a lot. We watched Flags of Our Fathers and Apocalypto... both Keith's choices.

Want to know what I'm doing this week? Carrying my camera around hoping to find (and meet!) Oprah!!!!!!! There is no proof she is in town, but its Film Festival week which means we can expect Bill Cosby and Will Smith. And Maya Angelou lives here, and she and Oprah are friends, so I'm crossing my fingers.... HEY! Maybe I can lure her with some Krispy Kremes. Everyone here loves those, apparently they are irresistible (could have fooled me)

If I meet her, I will make sure to post it on here :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I am very excited ! ! ! ! ! !

Monday, July 23, 2007


After a long, LONG hiatus due to this and that and the other thing (and the computer being in the shop) we are back.
We're buying a house. We're supposed to close August 16. I don't have many photos of it (will take some good ones when we're in a decorated) but here is a teaser:

Thats the view of the living room from the kitchen. Excuse the bad lighting.
3 bed, 2 bath, fenced yard... 1200 square feet of non-apartment AWESOMENESS!

I leave you today with a fashion show:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Thanks for the goodies, Grandma!