Thursday, July 29, 2010


I think baking has to be better than Prozac. I don't even usually eat them (besides licking the bowl) because its the making them part I like best. Keith says they're good though.

Zucchini cupcake with homemade cream cheese frosting. I think next time I will half the sugar in the frosting, it is VERY sweet.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I am so excited!!!! I almost have enough in my camera fund to buy my new baby:

I saved all my birthday money (Oh, gosh, what am I twelve??? Oh well, I don't care!), all my loose change, everything I could.
Now I have enough to buy it, just waiting on enough for the tripod. I might just buy the tripod anyway.

EEEEEK!!!! I can't wait. I plan on using this blog as a place to show off all my practice shots. SQUEE!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Keith did go to Cincy for the weekend for his friend Tyler's engagement party. I didn't want to post that until he was back, just because sometimes I'm a little too pre cautious. But he's back now, so I can write about it!

I didn't go because I just wasn't up to a seven hour car ride yet. Apparently he wasn't either, because he said it was too long of a drive. He's happy he went though. Tyler asked him to be a groomsman (yay!) so it looks like next May we are Cincinnati bound!

I spent the weekend cleaning, laying around being lazy, watching TV, and spending time with some good friends. I had a pretty decent weekend, although I should have taken Jill up on her offer for Hershey and I to stay the night on Friday because Hershey DID NOT sleep. She is very routine-bound, and when she saw her Daddy peace out with a suitcase and her Mama took her to a weird place, she was freaking out, even after we came back home.

Sorry no new photos lately, we haven't been out much. I will post the ones from Douglas Lake later today. <3

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I'm ready now!

I know its been a long time. It feels like its been forever since I've posted anything. It really has been forever since I've posted anything.

Since the last time I made a real post we've been home, back to NC, back home, to the lake, back home, and back to NC again. And let me tell you, that is a lot of being in the car to do. We're not going back home again until Labor Day, and honestly, I'm kindof relieved. That is just so much driving, and it takes a lot out of you. Keith is thinking about going to Cincinnati for an engagement party, but I honestly just can't even think about being in a car for that long yet.

No kayaking since the lake, hopefully the next time we both have a weekend off we'll get out to do that.

We haven't been doing a whole lot, been homebodies. Although we did manage to watch all 6 Star Wars in 8 days. I think that is a pretty great accomplishment!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I know how long its been

I'm just not ready yet. I'm not ready to update yet. Hopefully soon.