I'm on iron pills to fix it, but still. Ugh.
And then... I failed my gestational diabetes test. Which means I get to go back and take it again, and I get to have my blood drawn FOUR TIMES. Double ugh.
But, if that is the worst thing to happen to me this pregnancy, I consider myself lucky.
Baby girl is moving around a ton more than she was-- I feel her consistently every morning, and usually for a while before bed. I feel her all throughout the day, and I love it. It makes me happy. But even with all the movement, she's still considered a pretty calm baby, which is good. That means she'll probably be easier to console as an outside baby. And hopefully she'll be a good sleeper, like her Mama (NOT a light sleeper like her Daddy!)
Its been a long day, and I have a lot of chores to do before I can call it a night... so I'm just going to post some photos and be done with it!
In order, they are: 27 weeks, 28 weeks (and a nursery sneak peek) and 28 weeks in my new chair!
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