Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lent + dinner = Fish? Not always.

This year, we are NOT having fish sandwiches or tuna casserole every week on Friday. I'm going to bust out the vegetarian section of the cookbook and we're going to try NEW things.
Okay, except not tomorrow. Tomorrow I really want a fish sandwich. But I have four more weeks of meat free Fridays to go, and I'll try to post recipes for whatever I come up with.

Also, this no coffee for lent thing is REALLY hard. I have no clue how I did it when I was pregnant!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Workin' on it

Blogging has been tough for me because of lack of time/energy/accessibility (and for a surplus of excuses!)

BUT! I have a new phone that is going to make it easier to blog whenever/wherever I have a little time, so no more (okay, fewer) excuses!