Sunday, September 23, 2012


Having a big baby is keeping me BUSY. I don't have any new crafts to post, I don't have any fun things about trips to say. What I can do is list all the amazing things I can think of about Charley:

-Can crawl
-Has started pulling up to stand
-Knows when bedtime is and doesn't fight us
 -Looks adorbs in her little Nike's
-Doesn't fit well in many clothes, because she's 10 months old but only 18 pounds
-LOVES meatloaf
-Eats whatever we eat for dinner
-Can wave "hi" and "bye"
-Loves her daddy
-Flirts with guys
-Is super excited about Halloween (okay, that's just Mommy)
-Is having a Tea Party (as in, "lets have a" not "the political party") Birthday.
-Loves to be held upside down
-Has the most amazing laugh

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Been a while

We've been busy! Here are some photos because I don't have a lot to say:

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chill Sunday morning

Well, one of us wants to chill. And one of us wants to be all over the place!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Photo shoot!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

It has been a while...

... because miss thing has been keeping us on our toes! SO much has happened since my last post. We've been rolling over (back to tummy, tummy to back, but almost never in a row-- she prefers to be carried place to place!), talking (favorites are DADADADADA and HUHUHUHUHU), playing with Hershey's face or delicious feet, eating FOOD (so far rice cereal, carrots, sweet potatoes, and zucchini!) and starting to sit up. So much stuff! I've been making her baby food and I have to say, it is super easy, and I'm assuming just as convenient as jarred food. If I take a frozen serving with us it doesn't need refrigeration (because it is defrosting) and doesn't take up more space than a jar. The only thing she has had that hasn't been homemade is her rice cereal, and I'm thinking about switching to making that too (the baby bullet can make anything!!) Now, on to what you really want:
Here is Charley getting her first taste of real food:

And some outtakes from Charley's 6 month photos:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Well, not RSV

It is bronchitis :( which means breathing treatments and watching out for ear infections. I just wish it could be over. My poor sick baby has been sick almost 1/3 of her whole life!!

Maybe I'll figure out a way to stop working and stay home with her...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sick forever

We are going to be sick forever. I finally started feeling better, and then Charley started getting worse. Then Keith got food poisoning. Now she is coughing so much she's throwing up. And a baby in her daycare room has RSV. So we're going to the doctor, again.

Four weeks along, and still sick. Poor baby :(

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Someone is feeling better

Not 100% but we're getting there

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Poor sick family

Charley is sick, Mommy is sick, and Daddy skated by... Got a little touch of a cold but airborne'd it right out. Baby and I just have to tough it out, unfortunately. We've rigged her up a little sleep nest so she can sleep inclined, which seems to be helping. Now if I could just get her to keep her hand out of her face.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

4 a.m.

I know a while ago I posted about two a.m., but this is different. She gets up once (or like today, sometimes twice) a night now. While I def don't miss getting up every two hours, I understand why they say enjoy it while it lasts. I love having this special, one on one time with her. Both of may be half asleep, but it's our time, and I love it.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Girlfriend slept from 10 to 6, then 6:30 to 9... And now she wont take a nap!!!
She is totally sleepy but fighting it. Oh well, more time for snuggles !

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012


We made it home. 10 hours in the car (not bad at all with the baby!) and only a few stops. We did alright.

Now to unpack. EEK!