Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5:30 is so early

I've begun working out before work. After work I am so tired, and if I just get up and do it in the morning, its better for me.

That said, I really should have done it on a week I wasn't scheduled to open-- at 7:45!! That means I need to be up out of bed at 5:30 to have shower and coffee and news time. Next week will be better, because I don't have to be to work until 8:45 so I can sleep in until 6:30.

Today, Keith got up when I hit the snooze (okay, the second time I hit the snooze) and made coffee, fed the cat, and turned on the lights to help me get up. He is awesome !!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

busy day yesterday

So yesterday a branch in Virginia needed some people to cover so they could all go to a funeral (sad).

The worst part? No one from any of the nearby branches would go help them!! So I went, because really, if it were me I'd want someone to go. I drove an hour there and back to work for about five hours, but Karma made it up to me because I just got to go home for the day after I was done. I got home at 3 and just got to chill until my softball game (which we lost, of course).

Now today I don't go in until 1 o'clock, but I'm having lunch with a friend at 11:30 so I'd better get my chores done and get dressed.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

a night alone...

I worked in the morning and Keith worked this afternoon and is working until late tonight... so I'm packing!!

I know its early, but I feel like I just want to get a move on things-- plus it looks better if certain things are packed away. So that is technically my project for tonight... although how much I will actually do is still to be seen.

I really want to go to the beach in a few weeks. I don't know how I lived so far away from the ocean for so much of my life. I love every thing about it. The vendors, the sun, the sand, the water, the sounds, I don't even hate the birds (that much).

So it looks like my actual project is going to be finding a beach to go to, lol.

Monday, May 10, 2010


We are in the car on our way back to NC. This is my least favorite thing to do-- I would rather clean toilets.
I just hate sitting in the car for 8+ hours heading back to real life. I love getting back to my house and my stuff but its so hard to leave a place where (almost) everyone wants to see us and spend time with us and do stuff for us.
Maybe that's just my spoiled self talking, lol.
I do enjoy spending eight hours with my hubby-- we have a lot to talk about these days!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Here we come ...

tomorrow is the day we come home!!!!

I. Am. So. So. So. Excited!!!!!!

It has been four months since we have been home-- one of the longest stretches we've ever gone. I can't wait. See you soon!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Its my favorite day of the YEAR!!!!!

I know its probably silly for me to still get excited about birthdays but I DO NOT CARE!

This is my favorite FAVORITE day of the year. It is the day I get up early and spend the whole day being happy and not doing anything I don't want to do. I'm going to wear a dress any new Hello Kitty headband (thanks Brinda!).


Saturday, May 1, 2010

being grown up

I know that I probably felt so grown up when we made the decision to move down here.

I'm sure I felt grown up when we got married.

I probably thought I felt grown up once we actually moved (but I'm also sure I really didn't act like it because I missed home so much)

And now I'm feeling it again, about to turn 25, my baby brother just turned 21 and can buy beer, making another huge life decision. What will happen? We don't know. When will it happen? Don't know that either. All we can do is pray for peace while we wait, and put our faith in God and in Sandy and hope that the end result is good.

I feel so pulled in different directions right now. I know what I want, and I know what Keith wants, and the big picture is the same. But I'm scared. You would think that we know what we're doing, we've done it before. But nothing is ever the same twice. If you follow a path, you don't know it has changed behind you. If you jump off that path, and then go back, its going to be different. Different plants, different footprints, just different.