Saturday, July 30, 2011

100 days

Thats all we have left. 100 days.

Yipes! There is so much left to do!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

nursery overload

Fabric swatches.
Paint samples.
Crib skirt, curtains, crib sheets, diaper stacker.

There are just so many things to think about and plan for the nursery. I love so many different things that its just so hard to narrow it down!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I played around with maternity self portraits today. Here's a sample of what I did:

I'm happy with them, so far :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Yard sale!

We definitely did better than I expected today... About five times better than I hoped for! I thought it would be great if we made enough to go out to dinner. We totally blew that out of the water. Looks like the (fancy, primer mixed in) paint for the baby's room is all set, plus a new set of wall hooks for the kayaks, and maybe some nursery fabric too, are all taken care of. Plus, we don't have to find a place to get rid of alllllll the crap anymore.

I thought it might be hard to get rid of our stuff, like charging $30 for a plastic necklace hard, but it really wasn't. We were practically giving stuff away. One guy actually gave me more money than I asked for for what he bought because I think he felt bad. But everything that didn't sell went straight to goodwill when the sale was over anyway (I mean, like, within half an hour). It's nice to see the garage with a lot less stuff. It will be nice to get rid of the storage unit, and just have our stuff in the attic.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


So today I finished sorting alllllll the stuff we have and... now it doesn't look like much. I did hide a lot of stuff in boxes and dresser drawers so it wasn't so overwhelming, but now it looks a little sparse. Maybe when It comes to actually putting it outside it will look like more-- a little spread out and all arranged nicely. We do have a lot of different things that I'm hoping will lure people in. All the money we make will go towards baby room stuff... which we still haven't even started on. But we have decided on a crib, so that atleast helps. A little.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

yard sale... ?

We emptied out the storage unit today... planning on having a yard sale and getting rid of enough stuff to not have to have the storage unit anymore.

But... That means sorting through all the crap. And there is so. much. crap. Almost a whole garage full of stuff. TVs, dresser, cart, storage, DVDs, clothes, pillows, decorations. Just stuff. Today we moved it back here, tonight I start to sort.

Ugh. I think I need a nap.