Sunday, September 23, 2012


Having a big baby is keeping me BUSY. I don't have any new crafts to post, I don't have any fun things about trips to say. What I can do is list all the amazing things I can think of about Charley:

-Can crawl
-Has started pulling up to stand
-Knows when bedtime is and doesn't fight us
 -Looks adorbs in her little Nike's
-Doesn't fit well in many clothes, because she's 10 months old but only 18 pounds
-LOVES meatloaf
-Eats whatever we eat for dinner
-Can wave "hi" and "bye"
-Loves her daddy
-Flirts with guys
-Is super excited about Halloween (okay, that's just Mommy)
-Is having a Tea Party (as in, "lets have a" not "the political party") Birthday.
-Loves to be held upside down
-Has the most amazing laugh

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